Phred - Phrap Price Information And Trial Request

Please fill out the form below to request pricing information for the Phred - Phrap package, and to receive a user-id, password, and instructions how to download trial versions for Windows or Macintosh. We will send you the requested information by e-mail (please make sure your email address is correct!).

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Are you working at an academic or non-profit institution, and plan to use Phred - Phrap for research purposes only?
Yes, please send academic prices No, please send company prices

Which versions of Phred or Phrap are you interested in? (Please check all that apply)
Macintosh  Windows  Linux  Unix (Trial version downloads are available only for Windows and Macintosh).
I'm also interested in InterPhace. 

What are you planning to use Phred, Cross_match, and Phrap for? (Please check all that apply)

QA/QC or method development

Genomic sequencing

cDNA or EST sequencing

Mutation detection

Other - please explain:

Would you like to receive information about new CodonCode products? (Please check one or both boxes)
Yes, by email     Yes, by mail

Other comments, questions, or suggestions:

Please press submit only once. It may take several minutes to process your request.

Phred- Crossmatch - Phrap by Codoncode directory

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